Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor
    • Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor

    Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor

    CHF 6.95

    Barrier 5m 1:14 (35,7cm) with ground anchor (with advertising 1x in the middle)

    Material batten holder: stainless steel
    Barrier material: plastic
    Size slats: 357 x 11 x 3 mm

    Choose the variant you want!

    A: 2 pieces of barrier slats; 2 straight batten holders
    B: 2 pieces of barrier slats; 1 straight batten holder
    C: 2 pieces of barrier slats; 1 batten holder corner
    D: 2 pieces of barrier slats
    E: 10 pieces of retroreflective stickers

    Printing with your own logo is possible from 10 signs or 50 slats (no extra charge!)

    Absperrung: B: extension straight


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